Stephen Kruiser: The Mouth Of America

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Mahmoud '08-The Democrats' New Star!

As I sit here listening to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad prattle on at the United Nations a couple of thoughts come to mind immediately.

First: if the the UN is sitting around listening to their dictator du jour, they can't be busy trying to enact a new global communism to curb greenhouse gases. There is a small measure of comfort to be taken in that.

Second: I've always been under the impression that Ahmadinejad is a fascist Islamic dictator. Now that I've spent a few minutes listening to his talking points I fear that I may have to admit that I was wrong. He talks about not finding WMD in Iraq, a gap between the rich and poor, the need for the U.S. to immediately withdraw its troops from Iraq. Throw in a discourse about an "arms race", the U.S. being "occupiers" and flexing its muscle too much around the world and it becomes obvious that he's a Democrat!

Also, I swear I've seen that same outfit on Hillary Clinton.

He's even talking about God, which has become all the rage with the Democratic front runners in recent months.

Ahmadinejad's hostility towards Israel and sympathy for the Palestinians puts him in sync with one of the Democrats' most revered elder statesmen, Jimmy Carter.

As soon as the speech is done, find a copy of it online. Read it and you'll have a heads up on the finished platform that will be hammered out at the Democratic convention next year.

I absolutely shudder to think of the amount of drool over at the Democratic National Committee while they're listening to Ahmadinejad calling for a "Coalition for Peace." They've finally found a world leader who understands them. This, ladies and gentlemen, is the message they wished John Kerry could have gotten out in 2004. It certainly sounds like a coalescing of all the Dems hold dear, anyway (Maybe they should have sent a translator on the road with Kerry). The guy is one Al Gore hug and Sean Penn lunch away from marginalizing Barack Obama.

Gosh, free speech is a hoot when it brings such clarity, isn't it?