Stephen Kruiser: The Mouth Of America

Friday, December 7, 2007

I Want My Mike TV

If alternative universes are real, I've been bouncing between two of them like a ping-pong ball the last couple of weeks. 

Despite the fact that I live in West L.A. I do talk to a lot of Republicans, just not face-to-face in my own neighborhood. Between online networking, blogging, friends and family I keep in pretty regular contact with GOP voters. I also go on the road a lot to places where they still allow a two party system. I meet and speak with a lot of faithful Republicans that way too. 

Given that and the MSM coverage of the Republican presidential campaign, you would think I'd be running into Romney and Huckabee supporters everywhere, right? Here's the tally so far:

Romney-1 (just yesterday)

When I'm not talking to real Republicans I wander through the alternative universe of the MSM and guess what I find there? 

"The Mike And Mitt Show" coming at me live 24/7.

I wrote about the media love affair with Romney yesterday. It's clear, however, that this has become one big political threesome with him, Huck and our buddies in the press. 

The manure was put down on the lawn here a couple of months ago so that's not what I'm smelling. Something definitely stinks though.

Just take a look at Real Clear Politics today. There's more talk about Romney there than on his campaign site. It's been like this since yesterday. That followed a week or so of breathless Huckabee swooning. 

I'm not saying that neither of them is newsworthy, it's just that there may be something else on GOP voters' minds besides where the candidate is going for Christmas services. 

This can't really be called a conspiracy on the part of the media, that would be giving too much credit to the intellects of the MSMers. It is more than likely a fervent hope that we'll look away from real issues and focus on the candidates' religions. The obviously liberal MSM could be trying to cherry pick a candidate for us who might match up more favorably against Her Missusness or Saint Obama. 

Guess who among the GOP big guys poll the worst against Hilly and Obie? The media's own omnipresent governor Romney. 

Mike Huckabee is so new to the upper tier dance that RCP hasn't even been tracking head-to-head polls for him and the Democrats, if they exist at all. He may keep up this ascendance up but he's one of those guys whose record doesn't hold up well at all to scrutiny. Any Republican who votes for him solely because he is a preacher isn't thinking much like a Republican at all.

Here are the things that are talked about among real Republicans when considering a candidate:

A) National Security
B) Border Security
C) Controlling Spending
D) Taxes
E) What a useless waste of Capitol Hill office space Harry Reid is.

It's nice that Huckabee is a man of God. It's scary that he taxed like a crazed Kennedy when he was governor. 

And Mitt? His faith does impress. It's also admirable how he keeps in such great shape by doing backflips on issues to fit the election cycle du jour. 

Real Republicans need to decide who will pick the nominee: us or MSNBC?

Cross posted at Real Clear Politics (Vote for it!)