Stephen Kruiser: The Mouth Of America

Friday, December 14, 2007

Main Stream Morons To The Rescue

Yesterday must have been a tough one for the various Op-Ed  Demo pimps in the MSM. Their very reasons for breathing, the Democratic-um-leadership, were going at each other like a dysfunctional family after the Thanksgiving booze had all been drunk. At the end of the bickering their matriarch, Grandma Nancy "Che" Pelosi (D-Valium Please), had a little meltdown in front of the cameras. Newspaper editorial staffs all over were left to cry "I hate it when you guys fight!" and "I get scared when grandma acts so weird." As with most dysfunctional families, when it was all over it was left to the little bed-wetters to hold the family together. 

The first little journalistic gremlin to come out and defend the Nitwit clan was WAPO's E.J. Dionne. He writes in today's paper that The Nancy & Harry Traveling Circus of Socialist Stupidity needs a "Plan B". Since Dionne is a lefty I naturally thought he was talking about the "morning after pill" when he mentioned "Plan B" and hoped he was going to suggest that they abort their inane efforts. No such luck.

Dionne should have called it a "Plan BB" because all he suggests is that the Democrats blame Bush. I know that this kind of thinking is often called "Bush Derangement Syndrome" but I hesitate to use that in the case of Dionne because that implies the existence of a brain to be deranged in the first place. His piece is so devoid of critical thinking that I thought it might be the product of one of those experiments where they put a chimp in front of a keyboard and see what he pounds out. 

Dionne seems to be suggesting that the Republicans are stonewalling Grandma Nan and Harry the Libnut solely for the joy of being obstructionists. As with most liberals' arguments, his logic disintegrates at the beginning because he proceeds from false premises. He claims that the Democrats have the high ground on the S-CHIP debate while lying about what the new version really does. Never once does he discuss why Republicans are really opposed to it, he simply trots out the brain dead liberal for the children idiocy. 

To be an American liberal means never having to say "It's my fault," when things aren't going well. It's an entire political philosophy built on abandoning personal responsibility. Pelosi and Reid aren't the first American congressional leaders who have had to work with slim majorities and an opposite party president. The reason that they aren't accomplishing anything is that they came to power under convoluted circumstances. The Republicans didn't lose last year because the Democrats were steamrolling, they lost because serious GOP voters had grown weary of the spending and lack of vision and stayed home. The Democrats emerged thinking that they had a mandate when what they actually had was a fluke. 

Now instead of governing with vision, they whine. When they're tired of whining, they let the MSM monkeys whine for them. Lets have a round of tissues for the distressed little dears in congress and the media. 

Buck up, little Demos, Christmas is almost here. Maybe Santa will bring you some shiny new excuses to use for next year.

Cross posted at Real Clear Politics (Vote for it!)