Stephen Kruiser: The Mouth Of America

Monday, December 10, 2007

Introducing The "ANM" Envirodork Medal Of Dishonor!

Inspired by Prince Albert the Hysterical and all he does for global hypocrisy, I'm proud to announce the creation of "The 'America Needs Me' Envirodork Medal Of Dishonor". The award will be given out as frequently as needed to any Eco-Stalin who distinguishes him or herself by offering solutions or opinions on global warming that exceed the lunatic standards established by Gore. 

As I can't pay attention to every Climate Commie on the allegedly imperiled planet, I'm asking everyone to feel free to nominate potential recipients. The more we expose, the merrier. We can then offer quarterly and annual awards for the biggest Envirodorks. 

Let us move on to the inaugural recipient. The very first Envirodork Medal of Dishonor goes to:

Professor Barry Walters of Australia.

Writing in the Medical Journal of Australia (the Double Christmas Issue, at that!), Walters proposes taxing couples with more than two children to pay for trees to offset all that damn breathing the little kiddies do. 

Walters writes, "Far from showering financial booty on new mothers and rewarding greenhouse-unfriendly behaviour, a 'baby levy' in the form of a carbon tax should apply, in line with the 'polluter pays' principle."

In the twisted mind of an Eco-Stalin having a baby is akin to industrial pollution.

My guess is that the greater threat of pollution comes from all of the b.s. that climate hysteria mongers keep spewing into the air. 

Another case could be made that Walters' mother did pollute by taking a pee in the Australian gene pool when she gave birth to little Barry. Unless it's planted in his mouth I don't see how a taxpayer funded tree is really going to offset the damage Mum Walters caused the intellectual environment. 

A tip of the hat and a hearty cow fart to Professor Walters for being our first Envirodork. Now rest up and see if you can come up with something even more stupid so you can be our first repeat winner. We're all pulling for you!

Cross posted at Real Clear Politics (Vote for it!)