Spend five minutes perusing the offerings of the nutroots over at the DK and you can see why both they and rapidly worsening mental diseases are referred to as progressive. You'll witness an orgy of illogic the likes of which the world has never seen. The average Kosmonaut feigns intellectual superiority by proving points based on nonexistent or false premises which are asserted to be facts. Quite a large choir is assembled there and they preach to it.
A perfect example is this article linked to in a DK "Open Thread". It laments that liberals are "losing the war of ideas" when it comes to illegal immigration. The author posits that those opposed to illegal immigration are merely "anti" immigration, which is patently untrue. When the illegal aspect is finally addressed it gets dismissed with the customary lefty sleight of hand renaming of illegals as "unauthorized" immigrants. That's how it's done with the progressives: start from a false premise ("anti-immigration"), move full throttle into a semantic circle-jerk ("unauthorized") and-Presto!-you're a liberal genius. Anyone can win an argument when given the option to arbitrarily redefine the position of one's opponent.
A post titled "Are Democrats letting Republicans define 2008?" shows exactly why the goofy neocommies don't like to let reality muddy up an ideological debate. The problem, according to "UpstateDem", isn't that the Democrats in congress have turned their "mandate" into approval ratings lower than the self esteem of a pimply adolescent who has just wet himself in front of the whole school, it's that the Republicans are mentioning it. I guess when you're used to making it up as you go along a statement of obvious truth can be so different that it's terribly upsetting.
If that's getting to them I'd hate to be around when they find out carbon trading isn't going to save the planet.
To summarize:
1) Even when given the opportunity to fabricate all positions in a debate, progressive ideas still can't win.
2) If you get caught sucking at your job, tell everyone the real problem isn't you but the guy who first pointed out the fact that you sucked.
It's bound to get you a job with Crazy Howard at the Democratic National Committee.
Cross posted at Real Clear Politics (Vote for it!)