Stephen Kruiser: The Mouth Of America

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Behold The Sweating Donkey

This is the party a supposed majority of Americans wants in charge? Their front-runner, who has a war chest of about 67 quadrillion dollars, hiccups in one debate and suddenly all the Dems are running for the Zoloft. One wouldn't want to think that a party with two women in charge would become hysterical at the first sign of trouble, would one?

An article at the liberal The American Prospect considers some signs of growing unease amongst our liberal friends. Hillary is no longer stomping Rudy in the polls so some Democrats are getting their government subsidized knickers in a twist. At first blush, it's difficult to tell if there is genuine panic or the magazine merely wants to fire up the faithful to make sure they don't get too comfortable.

A post from yesterday over at Wake Up America (another new favorite of mine!) titled Panic In Hillaryville? examines the suddenly vulnerable Mrs. Clinton from a few different angles.

True, the Clinton campaign has had a few stumbles in recent weeks. Her support of NY Governor Eliot "Che" Spitzer and his "Break The Law-Get A Driver's License!" program may come back to haunt her more than her wedding vows. The press is even getting on her a little as part of their "Saint Obama 24/7" approach to covering the campaigns.

If you take Hillary's problems and couple them with the leadership train wreck that is The Nancy Pelosi Express and you would think things are looking better for the G.O.P. all the time. A Republican with no memory might be excited but those of us who have been around for more than a couple of elections need to be wary.

Let's remember the most important thing here: Hillary is a Clinton. How many times during the 90's did the Republicans think they had Bill on the ropes only to see him grin and end up in better shape than he was before? I can't count that high either.

I'm not a real believer in satanic pacts but if they do exist the Clintons have signed on for the Deluxe Package. These people have their friends sit in jail for them. When the nicest thing you can say about a couple is "Well, they've never been convicted of anything," you know you've got some slippery operators on your hands. You'd think if there ever was a law breaking president who prosecutors could catch with his pants down, Bill Clinton would have been it. But he always managed to stay one quick zip-up ahead of the law.

I just saw it posted on Wake Up America that Hillary's newest scandal is called Questiongate. This scandal does show what a control freak Hillary is but I don't think any of us doubted that. As scandals go, this one doesn't have much chance of derailing her. Just Google "Vince Foster" if you don't believe me.

Let's let St. Obama and Fluffy Edwards get cocky because Mrs. C. tripped up a bit. What the Republican party needs to do is spend time getting back to its roots then getting the message out there. Republican leadership wasted a lot of time during the late 90's reacting to Bill Clinton rather being proactive with a powerful message. If we make that mistake again our Clinton Hangover is going to come back with a vengeance.

Cross posted at Real Clear Politics (Vote for it!)