Stephen Kruiser: The Mouth Of America

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Politburo Bulletin (What the Kosmonauts are blogging in between bong hits)

Who needs caffeine to wake up and get the heart going every day? I do, actually, but it's the least worrisome of my habits. There's only so much of it I can drink without being too dehydrated to run later in the day so I have to seek alternative ways to get my heart going. Lately, I head over to The Daily Kos to see what our friends on the Extraterrestrial Left are saying. It's always interesting to see just how wide the chasm is between the Kosmonauts and...liberals. That's right, the average blogger over at TDK is positioned somewhere just to the left of the left of the far left. Where else can you go to find Chris Matthews getting crucified for being-swear I'm not drunk-too conservative?

A favorite new game of mine involves randomly perusing the blogrolls over there and seeing how many sentences I can get into each one before happening upon an expletive. I think the record is 1/2 so far. Anyone who has seen me live knows that I am very comfortable with the use of colorful language. However, I like to take it down a notch when writing about serious things. There thousands upon thousands of people over there who can't stop saying that Republicans are "ignorant" or "knuckle-dragging cretins" but they can't finish a thought on the page without dropping an f-bomb. I believe a round of thesauri is in order for the shrieking lefties.

Here are a few items from today's TDK (and its blogroll). I've added a few knuckle-dragging, joyfully biased comments of my own. The KOS items are italicized.

Regarding the energy bill:

On Monday we asked, Can the Democrats be THAT stupid? about whether the Democrats would remove wind and solar subsidies from the energy bill. We'll know soon.. they're trying to make up their minds.

Let me repeat: The Democrats are trying to decide whether or not to remove all subsidies and support for renewable energy from the 2007 Energy Bill. By contrast, subsidies for nuclear energy, below-market rate leases for oil and natural gas, and subsidies for coal all look safe.

This is stunning. Solar and wind are very popular (unlike oil companies). They are infant industries crucial to decarbonizing and reducing risk to over a billion lives. They are also crucial to American competitiveness.

This might shock you but "Can the Democrats be THAT stupid?" is a question that flies out of my mouth a lot. No, really. Only when they're doing something truly stupid at the time, however. Removing wind and solar subsidies from a spending bill would be sheer genius. Truthfully, removing ALL of the subsidies from the bill would make more sense. We have no obligation to prop up private industries through a socialist extortion scheme. How about a Constitutional amendment requiring a separation of business and state?

That last sentence is priceless. Saying solar and wind power are "crucial to American competitiveness" is like saying that quadrupling your daily intake of fried chicken and ice cream is "crucial to sensible weight loss."

Here is a chilling post about what what they're frothing about should they win the White House and pick up seats in Congress next year. They're hoping what they call the "Democratic Trifecta" will give them new government (read: "our") money to fund stem-cell research, resurrect their insane version of S-CHIP and assist them in "Naming pro-regulation people to the Regulatory bodies like the SEC. the FERC, the FCC, the FTC." The scariest part of the post was a sentence in one comment that began, "Restore funding to the IRS..." I was too frightened to read on. The only thing missing from this blog was a picture of Lenin hanging in the background.

Here's a sentence from the end of the post that I do agree with though: "But, now that you can see what you should expect, hopefully it at least is easier to make up your mind on how hard you want to work on elections for the next year or so."


Naturally, they're all as breathless belles at a ball over the Judith Regan story. The first one I found cites The New York Times and MSNBC as sources. Wow, if those reasonable voices say something bad about Rupert Murdoch it must be true, right? Can I get an "Amen!"? Didn't think so. That's like hanging out with a bunch of drunk guys in a Boston sports bar and reporting that the "Yankees suck" because you heard it so many times that day.

I'll finish this one up by mentioning that they are still taking Chris Dodd (D-You've Gotta Be Kidding) seriously over at TDK. I'm not sure even Chris Dodd does that any more.

Anyone have some band-aids for my knuckles?