Stephen Kruiser: The Mouth Of America

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Dancing With The Idiots

It's time to vote House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Hot Flash) off this show. The hysterical Madame Speaker's tenure in office has been marked mostly by her feverish determination to keep congressional approval ratings lower than those of President Bush's anemic numbers. Brava, Nancy Pants, you've succeeded at something during your historic speakership!

Now she wants to get her Viet Nam on and start playing politics with the war. OK, she's always wanted to play politics with it but was too busy brainstorming with Harry Reid (D-Pyongyang) on different ways to say "We hate George W. Bush," which is the only item on the Democratic platform for 2008. Having summarily blamed President Bush for keeping all doctors away from the children (S-CHIP), the California wildfires and the cellulite on Britney Spears constantly displayed bare butt, Fancy Nancy finally has time to lose a war.

"This war is the biggest ethical issue we're facing in our country. ... This is not working. There is no light at the end of the tunnel. We must reverse it," quoth Madame Speaker. Actually, the biggest ethical issue we face in our country is what do with Democratic leaders who can't open their mouths without lying to the American people about the war and global warming.

We're back to the problem about whose assessment we believe about the progress. Grandma Nancy says it's not working. General Petraeus says it is. To him, it's a war; to her, it's a game she has to look good playing when visiting her Bay Area homegirls.

Rather than approve the $196 billion that President Bush asked for to fund the war, Nanny Boo-Boo has threatened to only give about a quarter of that, which would only last about four months. This is true to form. One thing Ms. Pelosi has proven is that she is completely incapable of long-term vision. Poll driven people can't be like that as it requires thoughtful consideration rather than maniacal overreaction.

I really don't have any problem with the fact that Nancy's a woman. I have a problem with John Edwards being a woman, not Nancy Pelosi. What bothers me is that she's a shrill, grandstanding pure politician who is more interested in a photo op than a realistic approach to dealing with a rapidly changing world. She's Harry Reid in a skirt. Or he's Nancy Pelosi with a prostate. Or they're both shape-shifters from the planet Soros.

All I know is that they've had their run on Dancing with the Idiots and it's time to vote them off the show and away from the sharp objects (i.e. the budget pens). Let's do it now.

For the children.

Cross posted at Grizzly Groundswell