Stephen Kruiser: The Mouth Of America

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Through The Talking Glass-Issues In Wonderland

I've been alluding for months now to the stark differences in priorities between the presidential candidates of the two parties. My misgivings with the current crop of G.O.P. candidates could fill Al Gore's dinner plate but they all do seem to grasp one thing: we have a sworn enemy out there who would love to see us all dead.

True, the Democrats agree that we have enemies too, but they aren't the same at all. To them, the danger in the world comes from Republicans, cow farts and SUVs. Their apocalyptic nightmare involves Republicans riding in on cow fart powered SUVs who will steal medicine from old people and force the children to learn about God instead of condoms. Al Qaeda? "That's just a fictitious bogeyman that Karl Rove and Dick Cheney made up to scare the ignorant electorate!"

There's a lot of bellyaching lately about there not being any real difference between the two major parties. Not true. One still wants to fight a real enemy and one wants to tilt at windmills (no doubt built with government subsidies). This page on Real Clear Politics lists all the Democratic candidates' web sites. Check them out and see what they think is important. I kid you not, John "Fluffy" Edwards (D-Your Wallet) has an in depth discussion on "Food Safety" on his "Issues" page. Islamic terrorists attack us for thirty years and they pretend it's not happening. Spinach attacks us once and it's a hot-button issue. Soon the conspiracy theorists will be trying to convince us that it was e coli that brought down the towers.

The real issues are the fight against global terrorism and immigration reform that doesn't involve hugs or drivers licenses. The Democrats simply do not understand this. Bill Clinton, defending his-um-wife on her support of licenses for illegals, said that Republican attacks regarding this were meant to distract from the important issues of health care and education reform. Don't forget Food Safety, Bill! This is a classic Democratic tactic. The education system in this country didn't need reforming until the liberals hijacked it through the National Education Association. The Democrats love to create an ill then run on a platform that promises to fix it. It's akin to your dentist giving toothpaste made of pure sugar to your kids.

You may as well not ever bother trying to explain to a Democrat the connection between border security and national security. You'd have better luck mapping the human genome with a Welsh Terrier. They won't understand it until Al Qaeda sneaks several cells across the border to do the bomb making that Americans just don't want to do.

A couple of voices from across the ocean have said exactly what Democrats don't want to hear. The head of MI5 in Great Britain made an almost unheard of public appearance (the British didn't even acknowledge that MI5 existed until 1989) to warn that the danger from Al Qaeda is growing. While perusing The American Princess (a new favorite blog of mine-loaded with wit and sarcasm-both of which I think should be food groups) I found out this quote from Bono about the terrorists that woke me up: "There is an imminent threat," says Bono. "It's real and grave. It is as serious a threat as Stalinism and National Socialism. Let's not pretend it isn't."

This is huge. According to liberals, Bono is the only human created more perfectly at birth than Obama. Somebody at the DNC has got some serious 'splaining to do about why Bono thinks Al Qaeda is more dangerous than the possibility of an early spring in Norway.

Until then we'll all just have to rest assured that a President Fluffy Edwards will keep us safe from the scourge of tainted cheese.

Cross posted at Grizzly Groundswell