Stephen Kruiser: The Mouth Of America

Monday, November 12, 2007

UN A Hazard To Our Children

This just in from the U.S. Dept. of Duh!: The United Nations is hazardous to our children.

OK-it was actually Mayor Mike Bloomberg (I-Hissy Fit) who said it here and he was talking about the building itself but any launching point for a discussion about getting rid of the UN is good for me. Truthfully, you could ask me what I had for breakfast and I could turn it into a discussion about why I can't stand the U.S.-hating, foot-stomping do-nothings (I'm excessively hyphenated today, aren't I?) at the UN.

Imagine forming a group in your neighborhood the purports to foster good relations between members. Now imagine the group building its meeting place in your back yard after you agree to pay for most of it and inviting people over to insult you. No sober person with an IQ higher than the teens would sign up for such a group, right?

The idea that all the nations of the world should hang out and get along is wonderful. So is the idea that I should be able to date Jessica Biel. Neither, however, is likely to happen soon.

The UN Charter is full of noble ideals about peace, human rights and putting an end to war. (It completely avoids the subject of me hooking up with Jess which, I'll admit, kind of pisses me off.) It seeks to make a better world through a supranational governing body. Basically, it's the Democrats on steroids. "We don't have to change personally but we can let the UN make the world a place full of pretty flowers and puppies."

Much like the 2007 New Orleans Saints, the UN looked good on paper but hasn't lived up to any of its potential. When not overseeing the "Dictator-Psycopath Hosting Program" the United Nations busies itself with other important things, like trying to take over the world rather than help it get along.

Through its Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the UN constantly adds to the shrill, unbalanced climate hysteria. The panel gathers scientists and ill defined experts which then meet up Al Gore's butt to examine computer predictions about what might happen. It then highlights the most extreme predictions, ignores any dissenting voices and screams "Consensus!" A report is quickly issued with much fanfare that tells you you're going to drown next Thursday unless you let a new brand of communism hijack the economy. Next year, the IPCC hopes to branch out into horoscopes and Tarot readings.

Even scarier is the Law of the Sea Treaty, or, L.O.S.T., which is probably the most fitting acronym of all time. This treaty would turn over sovereignty of the majority of the world's oceans to the UN. I don't know if you've looked at a globe recently but there's a whole lotta water out there. Under this treaty, the UN would arbitrate territorial disputes. That's a winner. Because fairness to the United States' point of view is really what the United Nations is all about, right? Sure, and Nicole Richey is going to finish all her lunch tomorrow. If you're an American who wants Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Vladimir Putin having a say in what's best for you then L.O.S.T. is your kind of treaty.

Now, with proof that the building itself isn't safe we can finally use the favorite argument of liberals to justify getting rid of it: let's do it for the children.

The United Nations has had well over half a century to try and carry out its charter. Its biggest success to date has been getting into bed with Saddam Hussein for a black market oil trading scheme. That it did quite well, I must admit. It bodes well for them getting into black market carbon credit trading once the Climate Commies succeed in ruining the U.S. economy.

Sadly, we still have wars and people are still mean to each other. Turning the UN into a modern day Death Star isn't going to change all that.

For the first time in months, I agree with Mike Bloomberg. The UN is hazardous but for far greater reasons than he outlined.

Cross posted at Real Clear Politics (Vote for it!)