Stephen Kruiser: The Mouth Of America

Monday, November 26, 2007

But did they get free health care?

This is a quick follow-up to something discussed here and elsewhere last week about a possible border breach by Islamic terrorists. A Washington Times article today goes into more detail about the attempted attack on Ft. Huachuca in southern Arizona.

If anyone in the northeast can be bothered to take a break from shopping for carbon credits to give as Winter Solstice gifts, I'm sure they'd react something along the lines of this:

"Islamic terrorists sneaking across the Mexican border to do bad things? That's just whacky right wing propaganda. It's impossible for someone who isn't good and honorable to illegally enter the country because 'there are no illegal people'! Wait, we have a border with Mexico?"

Heads up, people. The immigration debate is about more than keeping the price of lettuce affordable. Poor people in Mexico aren't the only ones that have noticed that the border is porous. Just guessing here, I bet it's hard to enjoy a salad full of reasonably priced produce if the restaurant you're sitting in gets blown up.

Hey, if liberals can speculate that the glaciers are going to drown us when they melt based on computer models I can speculate that terrorists might blow Americans up based on the fact that they already have.